Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What Does Eczema Look Like?

One might wonder, what does eczema look like? What are the signs and symptoms of eczema? Eventhough eczema exists in different forms, they still share same common signs and symptoms. In this article, we are going to identify and explore those signs and symptoms.

1. Extreme Itchiness
Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. When the process occurs due to various triggers, the skin irritates and causes extreme itchiness to the sufferers. Thus, it is common if one can see eczema patients have constant urge to itch to seek relief. All of us actually feels itchy and needs to scratch, but the itchiness felt by eczema patients is different. With normal itch, we only need to scratch one and then done. But, for eczema patients, due to extreme itchiness, they have recurring urge to scratch that is difficult to stop. No matter how much they scratch, itch or rub the affected areas, the urge is always there.

Eczema can present on any parts of the skin, however it commonly can be seen on the hands, feet, elbows and legs.

2. Red Rashes
Since eczema patients constantly scratch to relieve their skin irritation, this action actually triggers more skin irritation. As a result, red rashes develop. Depends on the size of the skin that is itching, the red rashes can be large or small. After red rashes grow, eczema patients usually want to stop scratching hoping that the rashes will fade away. However, what usually happens is that patients cannot stop scratching as the itchiness is very extreme. They have to scratch as it is the only way to seek relief. Unfortunately, this frequently leads to the more severe symptoms.

3. Blisters
Regular scratching on red-patches or rashes will end to two complications, one of them is growth of blister-like sores. The sores may release clear or slightly discolored liquid. After few days, the sores begin to heal leaving crust-like surface form.

4. Dry Flaky Skin Patches
Some eczema patients may find blister-sores on their outbreak rashes, while others may have dry, flaky and scaly skin. In this event, constant scratching damages the outer skin layer, which then will stimulate growth of new cells to replace the damaged cells. During this process, patients may observe patches of skin that look like they may fall off at any moment.

Now you have learned what does eczema look like; what are their signs and symptoms. But, you may wonder, how to get rid of it? First thing you should do is to keep your body moisturized as this can reduce itchiness and overcome dry-flaky skin. Then, identify and concentrate to get rid your causes of eczema. Many natural ways can be done to achieve this. If you are looking for a systematic program that utilizes natural treatment for eczema, kindly click here.


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